Pillar 3: Protect - Child Advocacy Centre

Strategic effort to ensure that all children are protected from any form of violence in line with SDG 5 –Gender Equality and 10 – Reduced Inequalities


I believe you

The St. Charity Child Advocacy Centre is a child friendly space where any child that is a victim of sexual abuse or violence /that has suffered any form of abuse can feel safe to speak and be heard, helped and heal. This is achieved by collaborative effort/relationships with community stakeholders and government agencies involved in the investigation, intervention and prosecution of child abuse cases namely: Parents and families of the victim, Teachers, Police, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Community Development and Social services, Church leaders 


Our approach is a one stop child-friendly and safe space. A place where a child can feel safe to tell their story to a highly trained investigator with no fear, get one medical exam and meet with a therapist .The Centre continues to supporting the child through trial and ensure Justice is served.

This is an effort to limit the number of times a child has to tell their story, be examined and travel to various investigative and protective agencies

  • SPOT


  • Educate the child on the signs of abuse and how they can identify the early on
  • Educate Parents and Teachers on the signs and symptoms of a child that is being or has been abused at home or school
  • Educate on legal rights and protection 
  • Educate the Child on how, where and to who they can report any form of abuse
  • Educate parents and teachers on methods of reporting child abuse cases

24 hour Child helpline SMS, Whatsapp, Email = Take anonymous tips and begin investigations 

  • Provide Legal advocates who protect and support victims/survivors of sexual abuse and their family as they become involved with criminal and civil procedure and ensure: 
  • Proper documentation of Reported cases
  • Protect Rights and Confidentiality of Victims before during and after 
  • Access to Medical Examination
  • Provide Technical Support to Social Welfare, Police to protect child from further harm.
  • Facilitate Investigations and Arrest 
  • Ensure Successful Prosecution is achieved 
  • Help Survivor and Families navigate Legal System
  • Provide referrals for other services for survivors and families 
  • Follow up 
  • Work with trained therapist and counselors to help the child heal 
  • Provide Information concerning medical and mental health services, examinations, evaluation
  • Provide crisis intervention and emotional support 
  • Provide a consistent, comfortable child friendly setting for children

  • STOP
  • Provide a Personal Safety Program and Prevention Education for children, Parents, Teachers and community leaders that teaches them about 
  • Public policy advocacy and legislative reforms that strength and promote the protection of children against any form of abuse and neglect
  • Raise awareness on issues surrounding sexual abuse of children in communities and how communities can work together to end abuse.