Our Work.

What We Do

We are a non-profit organization that is led by female entrepreneurs, with the mission of promoting gender equality and providing a positive social impact. Our goal is to empower women and girls around the world by providing resources and support to those who are marginalized and creating a safe space for them to learn, grow, and succeed. We are dedicated to ending violence against the girl child and making sure that all girls have equal access to education and the opportunity to reach their full potential. Through our work, we hope to build a more equitable and just society where everyone can reach their dreams.

Education and Training

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Founded in 2017, Our Community Education Centre for vulnerable children in Ibex Hill, Lusaka is dedicated to providing quality education to the most vulnerable children in Bauleni and Mutendere East. The school began with only one classroom and 12 pupils. However, the need for this type of education was so great that the number of children grew rapidly in a very short amount of time. Despite the school’s efforts to accommodate as many children as possible, more than 200 children were left on a waiting list. Today, The Centre has 108 girls and 250 children overall and is supported by three dedicated teachers. The school provides children with access to quality education through school places, sponsorships, scholarships, and necessary school supplies. With this support, The Centre has become a beacon of hope for those in need of an education. Our goal is to give children affected by poverty a fair chance at success, creating equal opportunities for less privileged children.

Advocacy and Research

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The Children’s Food Bank strives to end child hunger and improve school attendance and in-class performance through its school feeding programs. These programs are designed to provide meals to children in a variety of settings, such as schools, clinics,s and hospitals. By offering nutritious food, the Children’s Food Bank is helping to ensure that children receive the nourishment they need for healthy growth and development, as well as an improved concentration in the classroom.

We are committed to promoting gender equality and reducing inequality in Zambia per SDGs 5 and 10. To do this, we are strongly advocating for the protection of the girl child from any form of violence, providing support for girl child education, and ensuring that girls complete their schooling. We believe that by taking these steps, we can move towards a more equitable society for all. Overall we provide the girls with all the resources and support they need to pursue their educational dreams and empower them to become leaders in their communities.

What we have done

Quality education

For over 500 vulnerable children

Our organization has provided quality education to over 500 vulnerable children, promoted children’s rights to food and nutrition, reduced violence against children, and empowered 500 school girls with skills on how to make reusable sanitary towels. Additionally, we educated 200 girls on Menstrual Hygiene and reduced the rate of child marriage, early pregnancy, and violence against girls. To further empower girls, we provided them with access to education and opportunities, as well as skill training in community-based projects established during and outside of school hours. This has had a positive impact on poverty reduction and enabled girls to reach their full potential. Lastly, we improved water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and reduced period poverty, which has led to a reduction in gender-based violence.

The Hope for Orphans project has made an incredible impact on the lives of many children around Zambia. It has provided resources, education, and love to children who required these things. It has opened many doors for them, allowing them to begin to build a brighter future. The project has provided medical and psychological care to those who needed it, as well as basic needs such as food and shelter. It has also created opportunities for children to attend school and receive an education, which is a key factor in breaking the cycle of poverty.

Chilufya Simwanza

Benign Social Impact Founder & Executive Director